Debt relief solutions & consumer proposals In Prince Edward Island
Are debts keeping you up at night? Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees in Prince Edward Island are here to help. Give us a call and we’ll give you a plan to live debt-free.
Safe, secure & confidential
Debt relief programs & consumer proposals in Prince Edward Island
Have you reached a point where you’re finding that your debts are getting out of control? Our Prince Edward Island bankruptcy trustees and consumer proposals have over 50 years of experience in bankruptcy services in this Province.
If you or a loved one have financial concerns and require debt solutions on Prince Edward Island, we can help.

Licensed insolvency trustee on Prince Edward Island
Spiralling debts and financial worries happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they are things beyond our control, such as illness or redundancy. Whatever the reason for your debt, no matter how you have accumulated it, there is an answer. The PEI Licensed Insolvency Trustees at Harris & Partners can help you to take back control of your finances and begin again with a clean slate.
If you’re dealing with unmanageable debt problems then we imagine you have lots of questions about what course of action you should take to rectify the situation. When you feel completely overwhelmed with debt payments, don’t suffer in silence – get the debt help that you need today by calling the Licensed Insolvency Trustees at Harris & Partners on Prince Edward Island. Speak to our expert team today to see how we could turn your finances around 180 degrees for the better.

Debt consolidation in Prince Edward Island
When you’re managing multiple debts it can feel impossible to keep up with all the payments. A debt consolidation loan might seem like an easy solution, but it doesn’t always give you the lasting relief you need.
That’s why a consumer proposal could be a better option. It helps lower the amount you owe, freezes interest charges, and gives you protection from creditor pressure. It’s a simpler and more effective way to regain control of your finances without losing important assets.
If debt is making life stressful, you don’t have to face it alone. Contact us today, and we’ll find a debt-relief solution that actually works.
Prince Edward Island Office
At Harris & Partners, we know that it’s difficult to confide in someone if you have debt problems and the embarrassment that comes with having someone looking into your financial affairs. Rest assured that our bankruptcy experts are only interested in finding the best possible debt relief options for you, and our service is incredibly discreet.
You may be under the impression that bankruptcy is the only option for you, but that may not be the case. The debt relief agents at Harris & Partners on Prince Edward Island are experts at analyzing your unique situation and working with you to find the best possible financial solution. However, if bankruptcy ends up being the best option for you, our trustees in PEI will be there for you all the way, so you’ve nothing to fear. Call us today for more information.
Your estate manager in Prince Edward Island
Rob McLernon is responsible for the PEI, Nova Scotia, New Foundland & New Brunswick offices.
Rob joined HPI in 2022 after spending the past 20 years in the insolvency industry having most recently managed Grant Thornton’s insolvency team in Atlantic Canada. He became a Chartered Insolvency and Restructuring Professional (CIRP) in 2014 and a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) in 2015. Rob is the Past President of the Nova Scotia Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Professionals (NSAIRP).
Rob is passionate about helping clients find solutions to their financial struggles and says he has the best job in the world – helping people each and every day achieve a Fresh Financial Start.
618 Water St. E. Summerside PEI, C1N 2V5
Office hours
By appointment only:
Monday: 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM
Tuesday: 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM
Wednesday: 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM
Thursday: 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM
Friday: 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM

Danger signs of bankruptcy
If you think you might be on the edge of filing for bankruptcy, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you have to use credit cards to pay for everything?
- Can you only pay the minimum monthly amount on your credit card?
- Are you constantly borrowing money?
- Have your creditors repossessed your car?
- Have your creditors sold your debt or placed your account with a collection agency?
If you recognize any of those warning signs in your life, you may be headed for bankruptcy. Debt has a way of creeping up on nearly anyone with a credit card. It’s quite easy to acquire a large amount of debt when you’re faced with house payments, car payments, or student loans.
Bankruptcy Exemptions & Consumer Proposals in Prince Edward Island
Are you considering filing for bankruptcy in Prince Edward Island? Did you know that there are certain items that are exempt from seizure during bankruptcy proceedings? Each province is different, so let’s lay out what you are allowed to keep during bankruptcy proceedings in Prince Edward Island.
Bankruptcy exemptions on Prince Edward Island include:
- All clothing – for you and your family
- Your medical and health aids
- If you need to commute to work you may keep any vehicle up to the value of $6,000
- If you don’t need a vehicle to commute, you can keep any vehicle up to the value of $3,000
- Household furniture, equipment, food, and fuel up to the value of $5,000
- Tools of your trade to the value of $2,000
- Farm property, animals, agricultural machinery and equipment up to the value of $5,000
- Enough seed for up to 100 acres
For more information about bankruptcy and consumer proposals in Prince Edward Island, contact our Trustees for a confidential conversation.
Example Savings Calculator With Harris & Partners Debt Relief
Your Potential Debts:
Your monthly repayments over a 60-month period would be
Before Help
After Help
Monthly payments are determined based on individual financial factors
How Much Could I Save?Our Debt Management Solutions

Why Harris & Partners
Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide a customized service that could remove up to 80% of your debt and stress, so you can breathe easier.
Our multilingual team provides support in many languages, from Farsi and Portuguese to Italian and Tamil, leaving out complicated jargon, so you understand everything, every step of the way.
Want to speak to someone in person? Our team is on hand to help at a Harris & Partners office near you.
Frequently asked questions
What is a consumer proposal?
In need of an alternative to bankruptcy? File a consumer proposal!
By negotiating with your creditors, you can file a consumer proposal that will require you to:
– Pay back only a portion of all your debts
– Allow creditors to make up the remaining balance
Contact Harris & Partners Inc. in Prince Edward Island today to learn more about consumer proposals.
What debt help in Prince Edward Island do you offer?
– Debt consolidation
– Danger signals
– Consumer proposals
– Corporate insolvency
– Bankruptcy
– Court-appointed receivership
– Complex commercial matters
Let the Prince Edward Island Licensed Insolvency Trustees at Harris & Partners help you regain financial control.
It's never too late to obtain debt help. Book your free consultation today
- Phone number
- 800-268-8093